Son of Ingagi is an unusual film made in 1940 and directed by Richard Kahn about a mad doctor who keeps a monster in the basement. Its unusual for two reasons, one being the mad doctor is a woman, which is strange for the time, and the other is the fact that the film has an all-black cast, especially for this kind of movie.
Eleanor and Bob Lindsay inherit the house of the doctor, Helen Jackson, who has been killed by the monster after drinking a potion provided by the doctor that turned him wild with anger!
Having inherited the house the Liinsay family soon notice strange goings on caused by the monsters presence and its only a matter of time before he emerges from the basement..........
Zack Williams as Ingina
Laura Bowman as Dr. Jackson
Alfred Grant as Robert Lindsay
Daisy Bufford as Eleanor Lindsay
Arthur Ray as Zeno Jackson
Spencer Williams as Nelson
Earl J. Morris as Bradshaw
Jesse Graves as Chief of Detectives